Our latest film screening of "It's A Girl," took place in partnership with Kwantlen Polytechnic University at their Surrey campus at the Confrerence Centre. Turnout was great, the room was filled to capacity. Event included speakers and a Q&A discussion after the film. Many people who were already aware of the issue found the film to shocking as the stories were very emotional and almost seemed unreal. Others that came felt the issue needs to continuously addressed. The interaction after the film was great, something we plan to continue with in the future. Food and refreshments provided by Desi Chulla in Surrey. Thank you everyone for coming out and supporting this event. See read more for more pics of the event or visit us on Facebook.
"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."--MLK
Happy Martin Luther King Day! One of our fave quotes of his.
Many thanks to Harpreet Singh for having us on his show to talk about the issue of gendercide and the film It's A Girl. Satwinder Bains, Director at the Centre for Indo-Canadian Studies Dept. at the University of the Fraser Valley and I sat down with Harpreet in mid-December following our Vancouver screening but it actually aired the first week of January this year.
It is a mix of English and Punjabi and is in two parts, above is part one and click "read more," to see part 2.
It just takes one girl to make a difference. What are you waiting for? Get involved, join the movement!